Our Pickwick, always at his post…

...inspired by Dickens' “Pickwick Papers.”

This blog is dedicated mostly to the posting of essays, stories and musings, in order for me to improve my skills as a writer.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

After months of serious writers block I finally finished another poem. Enjoy!

by Brianna Anderson

"For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ." ~2 Corinthians 4:6

This is how I want to be seen,  transparent!
Look right through me and see the light that was
put inside by the one they call Abba Father in every tongue.
That same hallowed name used so often in our prayers
has been replaced with a lower case “g,” god!
No longer given the respect He deserves.
This god no longer has a face or even a name.
Forget Yahweh, he is part of the forms,
the sun, moon and sky, they are one and the same.
He can be found in every religion.
The invisible god has truly become just that…invisible!

Not only has the god we serve disappeared, but we ourselves have faded as well,
so much in fact that we no longer shine with His light.
Instead we blend into every ethic code out there,
because we don’t want to seem judgmental or unfair.

We have confused and contorted the meaning of transparency into tolerance.
We are told that all truth is relative.
We suppress God’s light because we don’t want to sound negative.
God is love, don’t hate, these are easy doctrines to repeat.
But when asked hard questions will you stand up for you believe? Or get cold feet.

We don’t want to hear the truth, because sometimes it’s ugly.
Darkness seized the world long ago in the form of sin,
Except we choose to ignore it and forget the problem deep within.
Do not suppress the light!
God sent his own son to die for us,
so that we were made righteous by a legal right,
justified by his blood.

Christ is the only way, the truth and the life.
Don’t be afraid to proclaim what He has done!
If you deny the reality of your sin and damnation,
Then He died for no purpose.

Transparent! transmitting rays of light though its substance so bodies situated beyond or behind can be distinctly seen.
Let God’s light shine within you, because remember you have been made clean.