Our Pickwick, always at his post…

...inspired by Dickens' “Pickwick Papers.”

This blog is dedicated mostly to the posting of essays, stories and musings, in order for me to improve my skills as a writer.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

This Father’s Day my father is spending the holiday away from the family. He has been working hard these many months on the oil rigs in North Dakota. The past four years in Spokane have been hard on my family to say the least but my father has done everything in his power to support us. This past December my parents decided that my father should take a job out of state for the better pay and opportunity until we were financially stable again. It was a sacrifice on all our parts but even more so on my him. He is now living alone in what I consider today’s “Wild West.”  North Dakota has attracted men from all over the country and has provided countless jobs and security for most of them. My family has been blessed by this opportunity; we are even more blessed by my father’s example.

I have learned what it means to be a hard worker. My father has also taught me the meaning of sacrifice and humility and how in trusting in God’s sovereignty we are ever assured that God will provide. In scripture Matthew writes about how we need not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry for itself.  This has been so true in my life today! I am so thankful that the Lord blessed me with such a wonderful father, even though he is in North Dakota and we are in Spokane; we send our love to him and honor him this day.

He wrote me a letter the other day that I’ve decided to share with you all….

Let the gospel be your True North
Words from a father to a precious daughter..

My dearest Brianna,

I'm writing you this letter in regards to our recent conversation regarding doctrines and how to communicate biblical truth. As you are about to enter your final year of university, I'm certain you've been bombarded with a plethora of questions from friends and professors regarding truth and biblical interpretation; and most recently regarding hell and moral relativism.  We live in a world where the lines of right and wrong are so blurred that unfortunately there is very little difference between the church and the world. Just look at the national statistics for divorce or premarital relations and you will find an astonishing similarity within the church.  I know you have personally witnessed the devastating effects on the lives of those who have willfully chosen to compromise and ignore their personal relationship with Christ and have allowed feelings to dictate their actions. But this is nothing new, this has been going on for centuries.  Hopefully this can be  the generation that can turn the tide of compromise. But it begins by closely governing your soul and.....not just knowing doctrine....but applying it.

I think the most affective way to approach a biblical truth is to have a sound hermeneutic. Things to consider when studying a text are: authorship, audience, context, history, culture, language, what did the text mean then, how is it to be applied today, how does other scripture inform the text, how does the text fit into the overreaching theme of redemption and the gospel

Take The Gettysburg Address for example. How do we know that it took place in 1863 and that President Lincoln was the won who delivered the speech. Using a basic hermeneutic can shed light on those questions. The text itself indicates "four score and seven years ago,our forefathers bright forth a new nation..." Was the author of this speech referring to the year 1776 or 1789 when the constitution was written. Lincoln was assassinated in 1865. So 87 years ago was referring to the Declaration of Independence and therefore the speech occurred in 1863. There are many historical letters and newspaper articles that indicate Lincoln was at the battlefield of Gettysburg when the speech was given, so history sheds light on that truth. If one says that Lincoln meant in the speech that all "white men" were created equal, they would be in error to the culture of the civil war which main purposes were the preservation of the union and the abolition of slavery.

So when taking a look at if hell actually exists, we can take a similar approach and look at scripture with a sound hermeneutic. So let's shed some light on the subject of hell.

Francis Chan has an excellent publication titled Erasing Hell. I'm borrowing heavily from his writing.  In it he references the following. The Old Testament makes some limited references to hell in Daniel 12 and Ezekiel 32: 17-32.  The concept of hell was a progressively developing theme much like the Holy Spirit, heaven and Jesus were throughout scripture.  Historically first century Jews held the common belief that hell was a place of : punishment after judgement, images of fire, darkness & lament, place of annihilation and a place of never ending punishment.

And Jesus, being a first century Jew, did not challenge this belief system of hell like he did ideas about forgiveness or the Sabbath. In fact, Jesus affirms through many passages that there is punishment, a place of eternal separation and never-ending torment for those who reject the gospel : Matt. 13, Matt. 22, Matt. 25: 31-46.

What's interesting is the style and language used by Christ to describe hell. It is strong and terrifying. Matt. 10:28 says God has the power to destroy both soul and cast body into hell.  Mark 9 refers to hell as unquenchable. I guess one could argue is it truly a "lake of fire" as referred to in apocalyptic literature....for that there is debate. But make no mistake scripture is clear that there is a place reserved for those who'll be judged....and it is terrifying.

I think the concept of no hell, as referred to by Chan, is simply an extension of Universalism which was purported by Origen in the 2nd century. Universalism is the idea that God will save all and that extreme punishment is inconsistent with his character. Of course these views were deemed  heretical by various councils. I'm reminded of Thomas Jefferson who would physically excise passages of scripture from his bible that offended him and his concept of God. Often people will try to "fit" God into their own rationalization of what seems right. Although we were created in his image, yet he is so unlike us. There is an "otherliness" about him that is hard to grasp in our limited human nature. But it makes me worship him all the more for his terribleness and wrath and his mercy and kindness...because he is so unlike me.

Remember Bree, the concepts of right and wrong cannot be dictated by our feelings. Our theology cannot be influenced by popular cultural trends. Just because election doesn't seem fair does not invalidate it's truthfulness. Our culture calls us bigoted if we say homosexuality is a sin. And yet it has crept into the church where it is considered acceptable. But scripture is clear regarding sexual conduct just as it's clear about hatred, pride and un-forgiveness. I'm not so concerned how these contemporary beliefs affect secular culture. When Rome ruled the world, cruelty,perversion and licentiousness were pervasive and yet Jesus did not address Rome's egregious laws. He did not campaign for the preservation of a Judeo/Christian society.  He never wavered  from what was honoring to God. His life was about doing his Father's will and laboring to change the hearts of men.   He did  however overturn tables at the temple when it perversion affected the "church".

You'll find that many Christians are influenced by heretical teachings because they've become lax in the proper governance of their own souls...Lord knows I've sinfully struggled with governance as well.

To passionately dig into scripture and exegete takes discipline and time. We are a lazy generation where we want it now. If our order at a drive thru takes 3 minutes we're disappointed or frustrated. I submit that those who hold some of these heretical views have most likely read it in just a book or two or have been influenced by a group of peers in brief conversations. The topic of universalism, no hell or moral relativism may seem stimulating and thought provoking, but I find it highly improbable that such individuals have painstakingly researched, prayed, meditated or applied sound hermeneutical principles to arrive at their conclusions.

That's why I want you sweetie to review some excerpts from the statement of faith listed below. These do not reflect the totality of all that I believe but is a cornerstone to how I approach my studies of a particular subject. It can be a great opportunity for you as well, to laboriously and joyfully review and study...and take time to pray and reflect on the gospel. I am truly blessed to have a daughter like you. You have spoken truth into my life on so many different occasions. But continue to workout your own salvation with fear and trembling. I don't want you to accept it just because I am thoroughly convinced of it's truths...allow the principle I've shared to guide you. Ask the Holy Spirit to to give you wisdom and he will do it (James 1:5)

Let me leave you with this. As you converse with others concerning these topics, be sure to convey a spirit of humility just as Jesus did. Don't try and win an argument for argument sake. You can be humble and yet not waiver an inch in what you know is absolute truth.  Let the gospel and the message of the cross be your true north when discussing political rhetoric, philosophies, heresies or doctrine and allow the Holy Spirit to do his job. He will guide those whom he has called into truth.

I Love You !!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, May 31, 2012

After months of serious writers block I finally finished another poem. Enjoy!

by Brianna Anderson

"For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ." ~2 Corinthians 4:6

This is how I want to be seen,  transparent!
Look right through me and see the light that was
put inside by the one they call Abba Father in every tongue.
That same hallowed name used so often in our prayers
has been replaced with a lower case “g,” god!
No longer given the respect He deserves.
This god no longer has a face or even a name.
Forget Yahweh, he is part of the forms,
the sun, moon and sky, they are one and the same.
He can be found in every religion.
The invisible god has truly become just that…invisible!

Not only has the god we serve disappeared, but we ourselves have faded as well,
so much in fact that we no longer shine with His light.
Instead we blend into every ethic code out there,
because we don’t want to seem judgmental or unfair.

We have confused and contorted the meaning of transparency into tolerance.
We are told that all truth is relative.
We suppress God’s light because we don’t want to sound negative.
God is love, don’t hate, these are easy doctrines to repeat.
But when asked hard questions will you stand up for you believe? Or get cold feet.

We don’t want to hear the truth, because sometimes it’s ugly.
Darkness seized the world long ago in the form of sin,
Except we choose to ignore it and forget the problem deep within.
Do not suppress the light!
God sent his own son to die for us,
so that we were made righteous by a legal right,
justified by his blood.

Christ is the only way, the truth and the life.
Don’t be afraid to proclaim what He has done!
If you deny the reality of your sin and damnation,
Then He died for no purpose.

Transparent! transmitting rays of light though its substance so bodies situated beyond or behind can be distinctly seen.
Let God’s light shine within you, because remember you have been made clean.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Feature Poet

I decided this month to dedicate a post to one of my best friends, who is an amazing poet. She finally started up a blog. Her writings can be found at http://wovenhumanity.blogspot.com/
I hope you all enjoy this poem!

by Mackenzie Evans

You were a breath of fresh air
Bursting through
The stagnant oxygen
My lungs were used to breathing in
As our eyes met
For the first time
In a long time
And my eyes
Filled with light
For the second time
In a long time
As your eyes
Kissed my soul
For the first time

And it made me feel so alive

Alive as in
Heart racing
Coursing through my veins
Feeling insane
This feeling of life

And you hugged me
Squeezing every attempt
To pretend
From my lungs and
Breathing life
Right back into me
Right where it used to be
Unpredictable yet
Faithfully erasing
My every attempt at creating
A sense of contentment
Amidst the mediocrity
That I called life
Then you called bullshit
Exposing my hypocrisy
And as your lips spoke
Words that meant nothing
Began to mean something
And it wasn't to long
Those somethings
Became everything
And everything
Was an addicting
Exchange of desire

And honestly
The best synonym
For desire is fire
Of its all-consuming
Powerfully engulfing
Intoxicating nature
Along with the
All to real risk
Of getting burned
It comes with the promise
That you'll never
Feel the cold

So I inhaled the smoke
Billowing around me
Tasting ashes laced with
Wishful thinking
Knowing I had only dreamt
To feel the way I felt
When our fingertips touched
Twisting around each other
As if feeling for a foundation
To fall in love from

But as I exhaled the smoke
From with in me
I tasted decay laced with
Guilty feelings
Reminding me
I cant talk your hand
Because someone else
Is holding mine
And I cant give you my love
Because someone else
Has a claim on mine

And that I've lived
Every day
Holding my breath
Simply for a moment
To take it away
And that you took it

And I cant take it back
Even if I really wanted to
And I really wanted you
And still want you
Want you to hear
What I've written here

But they're just words
Words to some
Meaning absolutely nothing
Words to others
Holding an intriguing something and
Words to me
That mean everything
They are just words
Words that hold the power
To leave me with

The end

Saturday, August 27, 2011

By Brianna Anderson

Three stories, one family, unable to escape that ever-living demon we call “debt.”
The kind of black hole that sucks away the life of every soul.
The overwhelming load of bills piled too high to ignore or forget.

43 years old, father and head of the household.
He’s awake again in the middle of the night.
The tenants above him are fighting again, their drunken insults piercing through the thin walls of low income apartments.
He changes the TV channels a dozen times, too tired to care if he’ll find something worth watching.
The neighbors are enough entertainment for one night; he just wants to get some sleep.
Sleep needed for a 10 hour shift that starts at 6 AM, earning a paycheck that only brings him closer to bankruptcy.

45 years old, mother and educator of her children.
She can’t fall asleep because the pain in her back is so unbearable,
so she just lies there, praying the pain will go away soon.
Soon enough for her to start her day cleaning other people’s houses while putting away a few dollars she’ll never spend on herself because her children’s needs are more important.

20 years old, sister, student and oldest child.
The neon colored postcard in her hand practically screams “not good enough,” reminding her that tuition payments are late again.
Taking the semester off is not an option; she’ll have to work two jobs.
She refreshes the webpage of her online bank account, making a wish after every click,
waiting for a miracle to happen at the stroke of midnight.
But its 12 AM Thursday morning and payday is still another 24 hours away.

Three stories, one family, all part of a greater plan,
one that started long ago, starting with the fall of man.
Their souls were bought at the highest price; the blood of God’s son used as currency,
paying off their debts in full.

Father, mother and daughter alike have atonement for life.
The transaction of transferred holiness already made;
a kind of bond never to be repaid.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy is just an emotion
by Brianna Anderson

Joy. There’s nothing else like it.
It’s something we fight for
and never completely loose.
When your feelings are in an uproar,
joy sometimes gets caught on the emotional rollercoaster
and rides alongside depression and anger.
But when it gets off at its destination,
you find it again, in a higher sphere far above.

Happy is just an emotion,
that changes color quicker than a moodring’s touch can sensor.
Joy is an attitude pursued;
coming from something outside of this inward feud.
I am filled with joy when I am nearest to Him,
just as I feel the heat of the sun the closer I stand next to its rays.

Although troubles surround them, birds sing best in their cages.
giving praises to the glory of our brightest days;
the comfort of our nights.

We too can do the same.
Our souls will rise to see the light.

*I was inspired to write this after reading Charles Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening" devotions

Monday, June 13, 2011

Learning to Forget
by Brianna Anderson

Your presence still lingers, a lost limb,
the scar scratches.
You killed what meant most to me.
Didn't know you'd change your mind,
that's now how it’s supposed to be.
You’re my missing puzzle piece.
Now you’ve left me here alone
picking up the pieces, scattered on the floor.
We don’t fit together anymore.

I’m learning to forget, everything you said.
Something greater than you or I
has to put the pieces back together.

He must be your all
before you give a piece of yourself away,
for those you love.
But don’t lose sight of what is true.

Eyes fixed on heaven, all I desire.
Fills my heart with joy
Lord make me whole!

This poem was inspired by various conversations I’ve had with friends about breakups and my friend with the crying heart tattoo ;)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Whitworth's tuition increase

After nearly 7 hours of video editing, our final project for our Interactive Journalism class is done!!

Video story final group project:
Brianna Anderson
Melissa Ross
Cherise Marron