Valentine’s Day; it’s the holiday every single dreads. It’s bad enough that couples celebrate anniversaries every other day of the week, but on top of everything else they had to make it a national holiday.
“It’s a corporate holiday that encourages me to empty my bank account for my significant other. I'm not celebrating it per se, but will be taking my significant other out for dinner the weekend before for funsies,” said Whitworth senior John Hawkins.
“It’s the holiday you don’t want to be alone on…and there’s always the expectation of having to get something,” says transfer Student Brie Geffre.
Geffre’s Valentine’s was saved however, when she received a care package from her friend filled with cupcake making goodies. Forget having a “ring by spring”, what could possibly be better than chocolate?
For those of you who are unfamiliar with traditions at Whitworth, the term “ring by spring” holds a certain importance on campus. Like any private school Whitworth has its traditions. The “Little Three” are specific tasks students need to complete before graduation:
1) Drop a tray in “Saga” a.k.a. the dining hall
2) Catch a virgin pinecone (before it hits the ground)
3) “Ring by Spring”-get engaged
These are of course unwritten rules and not taken very seriously.
“Ring by spring is actually not a very popular tradition at Whitworth, as most people don't allow themselves to get pressured into marriage, although we think others will. It's for those who've been in a long term relationship at Whitworth,” said Hawkins.
Thankfully Whitworth is providing a fun alternative event for those of us who would rather not put too much emphasis on celebrating the holiday. The dormitories Mac and Ballard are putting together an “Awkward Middle School Dance” in McMillan Hall.
According to the Facebook invite students will dress up in flavorful middle-school attire and “dine on root-beer floats and dance the night away to your favorite heart-throbbing boy-bands…When else will you get to sport that Abercrombie polo, or sparkle smuckers again?”
“Overall, Valentine’s Day is what you make it,” said junior Chris Frick.
For more info please visit:http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=185867381447428
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