Last year I entered a short story contest for Patrick Henry College. At the time I didn’t have any short stories written (most of mine were at least 40 pages long); so I started one from scratch. Participants in my age group wrote stories with the theme “Joy in Pain.” Unfortunately I didn’t win the contest, but it was still exciting getting my material out there for others to read. I’m hoping to enter a few more contests this summer. Most likely I will re-enter this particular story because its one of my best…
Their Voice
Positive. I couldn’t believe the words right in front of me. I fumbled through the bathroom cupboard as I searched franticly for the box. I re-read the instructions, sure that I had missed something. Had I waited long enough? I decided to take another test. This time I waited longer. I took the test in both hands, cradling it as I looked down at the small window once more. Positive. There was no denying now that it was true. I buried my face in my hands and cried. What was I going to do? I squirmed at the thought of a “thing” living inside me. This was senior year; this was supposed to be the greatest year of my life! There was no way I could fit a baby in between prom and graduation. How was I going to tell anyone about this? My parents would have to support me. Wasn’t that what parents were for? Or would they be too embarrassed? What if they sent me away! Well, maybe they wouldn’t. But they could never look at me the same way. Not after having to bear the shame of my pregnancy. My soul would be forever marked with the black stain of my actions. If anyone at school found out, I would be gossiped about for eternity. I needed help. But what could I do? It would be better not to tell my parents, I concluded. This just needed to go away. I couldn’t possibly deal with it just right now. My whole body shook as I trembled and sobbed. I was trapped, and there was no way out.
A loud rumbling woke me up. I do not remember how long I had been awake, or alive for that matter. But something around me was shaking, and I could not help feeling sorry. Something around me was sad. But the space that surrounded me felt safe and comforting. A sound echoed off the walls of my chamber as I listened contently. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump.
I looked in the mirror for the millionth time that day. I had seen a doctor “quietly” and he confirmed my pregnancy. I was already two months pregnant. My stomach was still flat but it wouldn’t be for much longer. Out of precaution I wore layers to hide any shape underneath. I ran every morning hoping to loose as much weight as possible to hide my condition. But how much longer could I pull this off? I knew some women who were three to four months pregnant who didn’t even show. That was my goal, until I figured out what to do. So I got up every morning just the same. I went to school, without anyone suspecting a thing. I looked cute, I was young and having fun. My boyfriend, who was already out of high school, didn’t see me as often as last year. So there was less suspicion on his part and on everyone else at school. He still loved me, which was the most important thing to me at this point. So I held onto that thought and continued on.
Tears sprung to my eyes. I knew I had to make a decision soon. But no matter what I chose to do, sooner or later someone was going to find out. This haunted me as my time drew nearer. I thought of the shame I would have to bear for nine whole months. It seemed like an eternity. Nine months of gossip. Nine months of ridicule. Nine months of enduring pain. Nine months of a thing growing inside me. I remember in school learning about how babies looked at an early stage. They were alien looking. I grew angry just thinking about it. How could this be happening? I did not want this!
I can hear voices outside my chamber. One voice is louder then the rest. Her voice is the sweetest sound I have ever heard. But She is always sad. I feel what She feels. She calls me “Thing”. I do not like the sound of that. There is more to me then She knows. If She could hear me I would tell Her that I love Her. If only She would listen…
I am five months pregnant now and my stomach has become hard. The curve is undeniable. I started to panic. I began craving weird foods and felt hungry all the time. I had gained a lot of weight and on top of that was very sick. I took time off from school but I knew that this wouldn’t be enough. Everyone was starting to notice a change in me. I tried telling my parents, but whenever I took time to speak to them I choked up. It would be easier to not have this thing. I went to a clinic to have my condition evaluated. I was given a packet of information to take home. The procedure was normal enough. After all, people had these everyday. It seemed worth it. I wanted this all to go away and here was my answer. Even if people at school believed the rumors, what was the worst that could happen? I wouldn’t be getting any bigger. And on top of this, my parents would never have to know. I had decided. I went in, signed the paper work, and waited.
(to be continued...)